1. Is Huntington Orthopedic Outreach Program (HOOP) a 501c3 nonprofit organization?
Yes, Huntington Orthopedic Outreach Program (HOOP) is recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Federal Tax ID number is or Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 45-2496776.
2. Is my donation tax-deductible?
100% of your donation is tax-deductible.
3. Can I mail in my donation?
Yes, we gratefully accept donations via regular mail. Once your donation has been received a receipt will be mailed to you. Please mail your donation to:
Huntington Orthopedic Outreach Program
P.O. Box 80961
San Marino, CA 91118
4. What does HOOP stand for?
HOOP is the acronym for Huntington Orthopedic Outreach Program.
5. Who will benefit from HOOP?
Anyone who needs orthopedic care will benefit from HOOP.
6. Will HOOP offer their services locally in the United States?
Yes, our goal is to provide orthopedic care to the underprivileged in the near future.